Johnny Depp: I Wanted To Say Goodbye to Captain Jack Sparrow Properly. With A Movie. Disney Betrayed Me.
Johnny Depp was interested in making more films and even participated on writing the script for the sixth part.
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Actor Johnny Depp commented on the Pirates of the Caribbean film series during a court for his trial with ex-wife Amber Heard.
He said a few days ago that he would not return to the series as Jack Sparrow, even if Disney offered him $ 300 million. He now added, that after finishing the fifth part, he was still very interested in continuing the series, and the creators even suggested that he work with them on the script for the sixth part.
Unfortunately, at that time, problems with ex-wife Amber Heard surfaced and Disney studio distanced itself from him, and the production of the film stopped. Some projects from the world of Pirates of the Caribbean are currently being prepared, but we haven't heard anything about them in awhile, so we don't know when the next film will be released and what it will be about.
"I felt that the characters should get a goodbye. There is a way to close such film sagas. I planned to continue the films as long as it made sense to do so," said actor Johnny Depp.
He added that he felt betrayed. The actor had a great relationship with Disney and built the character of Jack Sparrow from the ground up. He put a lot of energy into this film series, and Disney suddenly wrote it off without waiting for the courts to find him guilty.

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