Johnny Depp Will Never Work On Pirates Of The Caribbean Again. He Said So In Court
The relationship between Disney and actor Johnny Depp have probably been completely destroyed.
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Actors Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard are currently in court. During this time, Johnny Depp revealed many interesting facts, among which is one of his answers to Amber Heard's lawyer Ben Rottenborn. The Hollywood portal Variety informed about this.
Rottenborn asked Depp, whether he would make another Pirates of the Caribbean film if Disney gave him $ 300 million and a million llamas, for example. Depp said he would not. The question came after Depp admitted that Disney Studios had fired him from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise a few days after the interview with Amber Heard appeared in the Washington Post, in which she claimed that he is standing up for herself against Johnny Depp, who she labeled as aggressor.
Depp said, that Disney wanted to sever all ties with him, as not to damage the company's name. Disney is a family content company, be it the animated movies or theme parks.
Depp said in court that it was understandable, that he had been fired, since the media had been talking about him beating his wife for a long time. He also mentioned that the #MeToo initiative, during which many women testified against men who harassed them sexually, or otherwise abused or physically harmed them, was at its peak during that time.
The actor also mentioned that while Disney had cut ties with him, they did not stop making money by selling toys and clothes inspired by Jack Sparrow, a character Depp played in the Pirates of the Caribbean.

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