New Season Of Too Hot To Handle On Netflix Is Once Again Full Of Sex Addicts, Yet Different Than Before
The group of horny people on the exotic island looks the same as before, but after the first episode, it is evident, that something is significantly different from the previous seasons.
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I love sex, I'm addicted to sex, I have to think about sex every 5 seconds. A new season of the beloved and hated reality show Too Hot To Handle has landed on Netflix, so you'll be hearing these lines about unusual intimate addictions over and over for the next few weeks.
This year, the creators decided to premiere the new series of Too Hot To Handle at the beginning of December to help viewers overcome the stressful pre-Christmas season.
As is the custom, Netflix initially selected 10 horny people who live and breathe for sex at the castings, but deceived them about what show they were going to film. This time, they were lured by the name Wild Love, and instead of the theme of survival on a deserted island, they bet on adrenaline-fueled falling in love.
We watched the first episode of the new series to find out how this time differs from previous years, whether it is more or less scandalous, and especially to answer the most important question - how long it took the contestants to throw themselves at each other.

I am addicted to sex
“Some people are addicted to Adderall, some people are addicted to tobacco. I'm addicted to sex," the first contestant in a luxury villa describes herself in the opening credits. This motif is repeated over and over again, but after watching the first episode, we have to praise Netflix at least for the fact that the creators generated a much greater diversity of contestants in this season.
As we hinted at in the introduction, Netflix lured contestants into an adrenaline-enhanced search for love. Horny people look forward to jumping from a plane or water skiing to use the adrenaline to intensify feelings of mutual affection and maybe even love one day.
The creators had fun this time, because a special presenter arrived on the island, who had the logo of the fictional show Wild Love on his cards, they landed a private plane at the local airport, and the contestants stood in the front in vests, which indicated that the initial adrenaline challenge would really be a parachute jump.
However, the artificial intelligence Lan suddenly appeared in front of the plane and everyone already knew which one was beating. The contestants had a full 10 hours to do anything together that their hearts or genitals desired, before the ban was put in place.

It only took 5 minutes before he started grabbing her ass
We felt that Too Hot To Handle really had nothing more to surprise us with. However, we had to smile when, in the opening credits, a self-proclaimed nymphomaniac revealed that she works as a software engineer. At least we don't have to look only at unemployed Instagram content creators anymore.
But the sad truth remains that these unemployed female influencers usually create the most bizarre content that people enjoy. Within 5 minutes of arriving on the island - with the first toast - the charismatic Scotsman started to grab the ass of the software engineer, patted it properly and concluded that it was a great ass. Nothing unusual about Too Hot To Handle, right?
While getting to know the team, we were very amused by a young Hawaiian who introduced himself as a man offering a "Vacation Penis Package". "I love all women. I'll take anything," he laughs at the end. According to his own words, he is happy to help sex-hungry tourists coming to Hawaii with anything they desire. Right away, however, while getting to know the horny babes on the island, he only looked at the contestants silently and even forgot to pour them a toast.
In addition to these individuals, in the new season, we are dealing with an esoteric erotic yogi who bet on the spiritual wave, but also a racer who is not afraid of speed, but is said to have a huge fear of commitment. This is the mindset Lana will want to change.

The alpha male is Nigel, who is more?We really like the group of current contestants this year. So far, we have met the the group of the initial ten, to which more new people will be added gradually. Among both men and women, alpha groups quickly formed of those who would dominate and those who would at best only look on.
The men are headed by Nigel, the women by Kayla. As we watched the opening episode, we thought about how easy life must be for a perfectly beautiful man who catches the eye of a perfectly beautiful woman. Everything is evidenced by the sentence of the contestant, who declared during the conversation about available men that she would "throw her opponent down the stairs to have Nigel".
After the first episode, it's clear how the dynamic in the villa will develop, as the remaining guys, after watching Nigel kiss Kayla for a while, decide it's time to fish in another pond. They understood that there is only one alpha male.
This scene reminded us of situations in nature documentaries where a dominant male takes control of a herd of females while the others just watch silently, waiting to see if they can get away with something.

A new season that is really worth watching
The new Too Hot To Handle is worth watching. Almost a year has passed since the last series, so we turned on the reality show almost with nostalgia for the good old days.
When a bunch of horny guys first ran around an exotic island and couldn't have sex, a pandemic started raging around the world. Everyone had to sit at home, so many of us spent the initial shock of lockdowns and isolation with the heroes of Too Hot To Handle, so we are not afraid to call this show a cult after four seasons.
Compared to the previous series, and especially the Latin American one, where sex was on the program after half an hour in the villa, we have a new dynamic in front of us in the form of two dominant male and female contestants. It will be interesting to see how the whole team handles it.
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