What To Do If Your Phone Is Not Charging? This Is What Experts Advise
Often only a small error is responsible for non-functioning charging.
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Have you plugged your phone into the charger but nothing happened? If this problem scared you too, don't panic. Often, only a small error is responsible for non-functioning charging. We asked experts where to look for the cause and how to easily remove it at home without the help of a professional.
The very first thing you should test when charging is not working is the adapter and cable. When you charge your phone, you often bend, stretch or otherwise strain the cable, which, naturally, damages it. It's not so surprising that one day it suddenly loses contact and the electric current stops flowing through it. Subsequently, the phone does not charge. The error may also be in the adapter itself. It can also simply stop working due to, for example, falls.
A simple test of the functionality of the adapter and cable
You can test whether the error is in the adapter or the cable in a simple way. If your phone supports wireless charging, try charging it this way. If everything goes without problems, you know that the fault lies in the accessories.

The problem could be software
Experts revealed that in some cases, charging problems can be caused by software. The easiest solution is to restart the phone. If that doesn't help, check if a software update is available. If it is available, install it, restart the device again and try to charge it.
Dirty connector and damaged flex cable
If you have tried the mentioned tips, but your phone still does not charge, the fault is probably in the connector itself or in the insides of the device. Check that there are no crumbs or other debris in the port that would prevent charging. Surface corrosion can also be a problem. This sometimes appears in older phones exposed to a humid environment.
Charging difficulties can also be caused by the flex cable that connects the connector to the motherboard. As a result, it is strained and can be easily damaged. Subsequently, there are charging failures. The solution is to replace the components.

Old battery
Last but not least, an old, worn-out battery can also be responsible for charging difficulties. For example, if you discharge it completely to zero, it may happen that after connecting it to the charger, it will take several minutes to wake up to life. You will get the feeling that the phone is not charging. In fact, he just needs to be given more time. If this problem bothers you, replacing the battery will help.
How to solve charging problems?
If you have found that a damaged cable or adapter is responsible for problematic charging, simply replace it with a new one. If you assume that the problem is with the battery, connector or flex cable, it is best to have your device checked by a professional.
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