Better Call Saul Is Back For Season 6! First Two Episodes Are Amazing, As Expected
What are the first two episodes of the 6th season of Better Call Saul like?
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AMC television aired the first two episodes of the sixth and final season of the Better Call Saul series. This series follows the events that took place years before the events of the Breaking Bad series, so we meet familiar characters in the earlier stages of their lives, and we also meet completely new ones.
The creators still manage to create amazing characters, whether they are side characters or the main ones. Even the scene with ordinary people "from the street" managed to evoke feelings of tension in us and fascinated us so much that we could not take our eyes off it. Better Call Saul excels at being able to create excellent scenes that are very rich in quality dialogues and storyline.
It doesn't bother at all that it's minimalistic and that there is no action or killing on the screen (although we've seen a few dead bodies and shootings in the first two episodes). Better Call Saul can engage you in more through a simple dialogue between a lawyer and his client, than a number of Hollywood movies with extremely expensive blockbuster scenes full of computer tricks can.
The creators pay attention to a quality screenplay and sophisticated characters. The best part is that every storyline in the series has something interesting to it and shows the unique characters you care about . It doesn't matter which storyline in the series you are watching at the moment, you enjoy them all and you can't wait to see what happens next. We definitely didn't get bored while watching the first two episodes of the sixth season.
The creators can entertain, engage with the action and create "nerve-wracking" tension (scenes with Nach). They also build the personalities of the characters very well, and we are slowly preparing for the big story finale.

During the first season, we thought that the key character transformation would happen to Jimmy / Saul, but as we have seen in this and previous season, it turns out that it is really fascinating to watch Kim's rebirth from a kind-hearted lawyer to the cold, cruel and calculating lawyer that stop at nothing.
The world of Better Call Saul is intoxicating. It is one of the series that we can watch on repeat and we will never get enough of its events. You can, or course, also look forward to top technical quality, exceptional camera shots and editing.
Camera work is something that the series excels in from the very beginning. So after the first two episodes of the last series, we are excited and looking forward to the next. If you haven't started watching the series yet, make sure you fix it.

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