Harry Potter Films Ranked Worst To Best
Harry Potter saga gave us a total of 8 films. We decided to finally make it crystal clear, which film is the best
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8. Harry Potter and he Deathly Hallows, Part 1
Choosing the last place was difficult, but at least it confirmed, that dividing the final feature this big series into two parts was counterproductive. The studio made money, but the quality of the films suffered. The first part of Deathly Hallows paid for it as well, and at times truly annoyed some fans. Splitting the story was simply useless and unnecessarily stretched the ending.

7. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
After the success of the very first film, the sequel was prepared quite quickly, but it did not dazzle. Compared to the book, it was a bit childish, the acting performances were perhaps weaker. The story focused on the Chamber of Secrets, which Salazar Slytherin had built in Hogwarts without anyone noticing, just before he was expelled. It houses the Basilisk, which wakes up and begins to terrorise Hogwarts. Personally, if I had to choose a movie from the series, that I enjoy watchich the least, it would be the Chamber of Secrets.

6. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
The magical entry into a world full of wizards, magical beings, good, evil and dreamy Hogwarts turned out quite well and will soon celebrate its 15th anniversary. Spells, quidditch, Voldemort, the forbidden forest and many other, are stuck in our memory forever. Everyone was wondering how this world could be transferred to the silver screen, but Warner did it perfectly, choosing great child actors who became a permanent part of our lives.

5. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Part 4 brought a big change. Harry had definitely become a man and had to act that way. He faced the greatest threat, went through several near-death experiences, entered the Triwizards Tournament, was hated by the entire school, lost his best friend. The main characters have grown up, we have enjoyed a couple of magic fights, underwater creatures and amazing dragons, well, who didn't look forward to that? It all turned out extremely well, and those who were not satisfied with all of this, could look forward to a great ending starring Voldemort.

4. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
Gamechanger. This is what we could call the fifth part. A lot has happened. The horcruxes, Harry's connection to Voldemort were subtly outlined, we enjoyed the great Gary Oldman as Sirius, the real Moody, and Voldemort appeared again. The scenes with Grawp or the Ministry of Magic were amazing, the overall feeling throughout the film promised that we were approaching a grand finale, and the encounter between Dumbledore and Voldemort was reminiscent of a duels in Naruto, compared to traditional magic duels. Too bad we didn't enjoy more of such megalomaniacal fights.

3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
A very dark, very serious feature, considering it is a Harry Potter film. It wasn't childish , but very atmospheric. We saw more of Snape, more blood, and overall, more and more clouds began to appear over Hogwarts, which never a sign of anything good. We also enjoyed seeing the scenes with young Tom Riddle, although there could have been more, just like in the book. But the film introduction to the Horcruxes was worth it. The half-blood prince had a few mistakes, but we can absolutely overlook them.

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
Perfektné zavŕšenie celého príbehu s oku-lahodiacou bitkou o Rokfort (aj keď potenciál využitý zďaleka nebol), ukážkovou sekvenciou v Gringot banke, či emotívnym koncom, ktorý prísť musel a znamenal koniec jednej prekrásnej ságy, ku ktorej sa všetci radi vraciame. Stále máme však pocit, že sa to mohlo zvládnuť lepšie a David Yates nebol najvhodnejšou voľbou pre režírovanie toľkých dielov. O to viac sa obávame, čo spraví s prvým dielom novej trilógie spin-offov Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.
The perfect end to the whole story, with the eye-catching battle of Hogwarts (although the full potential was far from used), Gringot Bank scene, or an emotional ending that marked the end of one beautiful saga to which we all like to keep returning. However, we still feel that it could have been done better and David Yates was not the best directorial choice.

1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Definitely the best movie in the series and one of the best ever fantasy films. The root of success and quality? Great plot, amazing plot twists, actors and, last but not least, brilliant direction of Alfonso Cuarón. The children's films about Harry Potter suddenly took on a completely different spin, the atmosphere darkened, the dementors came out full force, things were revealed. Harry was no longer the perfect wizard, but perhaps, it was precisely this that let him show the heart and the essence of his character. Every aspect of the trio was amazing and it is a great pity that Cuarón did not shoot another part. Without hesitation, we can say that his Prisoner of Azkaban stands well above the whole saga.

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