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Barbora Volfová
March 23, 2022, 10:21am
Reading time: 0:40

Putinder, Instalin na Leninkedin: Designer Edits Logos of Big Brands In Response to the Current Situation in Russia

Putinder, LeninkedIn, Rublr. New logos for Russian big brand dupes

Barbora Volfová
March 23, 2022, 10:21am
Reading time: 0:40
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Putinder, Instalin na Leninkedin: Designer Edits Logos of Big Brands In Response to the Current Situation in Russia
Zdroj: Maxim Blinov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool/AP/TASR
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Designer Václav Kudělka satirically edits company logos, as a response to current events. The designer's current work was inspired by a incident around the possible existence of the Uncle Vanya chain, which, according to Václav, shamelessly uses someone else's virtual identity. He called the series of Russian-themed visuals "We don't need your internet!".


The new series responds to the circumstances of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the copies of established Western companies such as McDonald's, which are on the rise in Russia.



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"It took me a quite a while to start believing that this was actually happening. As a graphic designer, I couldn't let it go unnoticed. Given that Uncle Vanya is a figure from classical Russian literature, I took the opportunity to (with a good deal of exaggeration) market other milestones of Russian culture and history in the context of plagiarised businesses"


Václav is not planning another series of a similar nature yet. However, everything depends on the Russian-Ukrainian situation and people of real influence, whose actions affect the author's work.

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Thumbnail: Maxim Blinov, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool/AP/TASR
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