How To Fit In A New Job, Not Go Crazy From The Work Pace And Win Over Colleagues? This Is What Experts Advise
How to find a suitable work pace, show ambitions and how not to make a faux pas during the first interviews? We bring tips for the first weeks in a new job.
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You successfully passed the job interview, made an impression, and the first days of your new job await you. Congratulations on another stressful season. How to make it easier for yourself and how to fit into the new team as best as possible? We sought answers from HR experts, work coaches and a psychologist.
The first days at a new job are especially difficult for those who are introverts, and establishing new contacts does not come naturally to them. "Don't avoid getting to know new colleagues. There will definitely be someone in the team with whom you will click and it will be natural for you to have conversstion with them," says Honza Klusoń, CEO of Welcome to the Jungle.
Don't be afraid to ask for help from a manager or superior who can introduce you to everyone. Psychologist Lenka Varadyová recommends observing the team for a while and finding out if it has any customary rituals, such as having lunch together. If you haven't noticed any and you don't mind, you can initiate them yourself. Maybe it will be enough if you bring cookies to the common kitchen.
"A new colleague should ideally first listen carefully to others. Introverts in particular have the gift of observation. He should find out what their interests are so that he can then search for common topics and show interest in colleagues," thinks Silvia Langermann, PCC from Power Coaching. When you know yourself and juts know that noisy crowds are nothing for you, approach smaller groups or sit with someone at lunch.
Senior marketing specialist from Grafton Slovakia Andrea Budzák reminds that it is important to maintain calm and a positive attitude. No one expects you to know everything right away. Above all, the first impression is important. Smile, show interest and don't be afraid to ask if something is not clear to you.

Be careful with showing ambition
You have not yet been trampled by corporate gossip or complaints about management. You are full of optimism and vigor and want to show as soon as possible that you are a capable and willing member of a team that has its own ambitions. We don't want to spoil it for you, but experts are raising a warning finger.
If you really want to make the best possible impression, go for it gradually. "You need to spread your strength and ambitions. Consistency will bear more fruit than exaggerated or overmotivated steps. Even if I join the company as a manager, I need to get to know its condition and people. It is good for them to know that you have ambitions, but actions and results will be important," reminds Peter Križan, CEO of Personality HR. If you work in a team, be careful that the work on assignments does not become your "one man show".
When you've been working at the company for a while, you're doing well and you'd like to know if there's room for you to grow, it's time to talk to your supervisor. Tell him what you would like to achieve. However, there are unwritten rules here as well.
"If I have ambitions and I'm going to talk about them, then in a very reasonable way. It is not recommended to say specific goals like 'I want to become the director of this company', but rather in general, something like - I am working on myself and educating myself in a certain field, because I would like to move up," advises Silvia Langermann.
But how and when is the right moment to come to the boss? According to Andrea Budzák, evaluation meetings after the end of the trial period or regular consultations are the ideal ground.
There you can clarify what your superior expects from you and assure him that you can handle even more difficult tasks or larger projects. However, show that you also have humility. You won't achieve anything if he hears you at every meeting. You could get minus points not only from the management, but also from new colleagues.

How not to overdo it with the ambition?
- Realize where the limits of your possibilities are, and don't overestimate your strengths. It may backfire on you later.
- In an effort to be sociable, do not fall into gossiping or complaining about new colleagues, although the collective is inclined to do so.
- Don't draw too much attention to yourself either. Don't emphasize your expertise at every opportunity, or talk about overly personal topics until colleagues bring them up.
- Learn to be assertive in a team and cooperate with others. See yourself as part of the organisation. Find out where you feel most comfortable in it and how you can best contribute to its development.
- At least in the first few days, listen more and ask questions. Time will come for your space.
Have realistic expectations
Finding peace is not only important for your career, but also for your mental health. If you are not careful, it can easily happen that you will leave your job after a few months resigned and burnt out. And this is especially so when career growth does not take such a turn as you imagined.
As Matúš Draganovský from SUVko Coaching points out, the content of the job is often determined by the initial interview, a job interview with HR or a future supervisor. By asking the right questions, you can make the first filter of what the team needs and what you want to bring to the team. Even then, be realistic. Be aware that there are 24 hours in a day and only agree to an agenda that you will be able to deliver in the required quality and time.
"In an effort to fit into the team as best as possible, a new colleague can sometimes slip into submissive position and help colleagues with their agenda. Therefore, it is desirable to carefully read your job description stated in the employment contract and, in case of additional questions, go over it with your superior on the day you start," advises Andrea Budzák. You should have clearly defined who will assign you tasks. In every team, there may be colleagues who want to make their work easier.
Also, be realistic in your expectations of work pace in the first few weeks. No one has yet fallen from heaven learned. "We have to realize that initially the work may not be completely easy for us. Therefore, it can be complicated to find a balance between personal and work time in the first month. It is necessary to take this into account and not stress. It will get better every week," reassures Honza Klusoň.
To find the right pace, he advises planning the week, but also individual days. You will gradually clarify the work rhythm and the contents of the agenda.
The big scare today is burnout. Prevention is the best helper. That's why, according to Silvia Langermann, it's important that we don't forget the non-work activities that we enjoy from the beginning and do them regularly. Regular days should include sports, relaxation and sleep. It is important that we do not forget ourselves.
According to Andrea Budzák, it is a necessity that everything is prepared in advance for the newcomer: workplace, technology, documents. Even before starting, the employer must report the employee to the social and health insurance company and ensure that the contract is signed.
Last year, formalities related to the processing of personal data (GDPR) were added to this. The range of legislative procedures also includes instruction on safety and health protection at work, respectively concluding a material liability or obligation of confidentiality.
However, it is advisable to dose the agenda and training gradually, to prevent discouraging overload of information. It is also pleasant and encouraging on the part of the team to show creativity and friendliness when a newcomer arrives.
Good old small talk or what not to ask a new colleague
"Colleagues are like a small family. You don't choose them, but you have to work with them," states Peter Križan. In the ideal case, over time they will become friends with whom you will also like to spend your free time. But what to ask them at the beginning of your relationship?
First of all, Matúš Draganovský recommends introducing yourself and asking who has what role in the team. Find out who you'll be working with on what, and ask them to tell you what they're working on now.
"Of course, conversations about topics that unite us are always nice. We spend quite a lot of time at work. But that doesn't mean being best friends with everyone, or having debates about the weather like small talk that no one enjoys. Rather, it is necessary to talk about topics that can support our expertise, such as know-how, industry or business trends," advises the coach.
"Take an interest in your colleagues, build relationships with them, and possibly arrange joint rituals. Try to find out what expectations they have from you and your work, and conversely, be interested in their function and position in the company," adds Lenka Varadyová.
According to Honza Klusoň, it is certainly good to show interest in the free time of your colleagues. Ask what they usually do in the afternoon, what movies or series they like best. This way you can find common interests and hobbies.
Draganovský advises to empathically perceive the boundaries where the other party in the conversation will let us go. When you know how to listen, you will find out for yourself what your colleague wants and does not want to share with you. For example, it is perfectly fine for someone not to want to talk about their family because they will see it as a very intimate zone. Even though you already told them about yours.
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