Can You Imagine Leaving Everything Behind And Living As A Nomad? These People Did It
We have four stories for you.
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Imagine if you changed your normal routine, got rid of unnecessary material things and went to live as a nomad. The common feature of all nomads is absolute freedom, they do not live to chase after work and money. Their home is the whole world.

Bob Wells
You will find true freedom if you become homeless in the eyes of consumer society. In this one sentence, we can summarize the entire life philosophy and sermon of the unofficial "godfather" of American nomads. Bob Wells has been living a nomadic life for 27 years, showing like-minded people how to manage an alternative life through his blog and videos.
Sadness and problems drove him to nomadism, but after the first month in the van, he found that he had finally found happiness. He found it an extremely liberating moment, suddenly having extra money that would otherwise have gone towards rent.
Wells is not such a "typical" nomad, in a way we could consider him a preacher. In addition to explicitly practical articles and tips, he also poked his nose into philosophy. He mixes the paraphrased thoughts of famous authors with his own, sees the nomadic life as a path to freedom, self-realization and adventure. He even planned his own death, when he feels too old, he will go into the desert.
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Christopher Johnson McCandless
He was born into a rich family, graduated with honors in history and anthropology, theoretically he lacked nothing in life. However, he was fed up with the materialistic society, he wanted to throw everything away and experience an adventurous life in the wild. He was driven by his own ideology, even before leaving he gave up all privileges and wealth, gave himself the nickname Alexander Supertramp. He only wanted to leave for a few months, taking it as a ritual or a way of rebirth.
In April 1992, he found himself in the heart of the Alaskan taiga, in Denali National Park, where he spent the next few months. He was completely alone, sleeping in an abandoned rusty bus and feeding on small animals, plants and berries. He photographed and documented the entire expedition in a diary. He died 112 days after stepping into the wilds of Alaska. There are various conjectures about his death, the cause was also looked for by experts, it was probably a combination of malnutrition and poisoned pea (Lathyrus sativus).
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Just before his death, he left a note: "I had a happy life and I thank the Lord." Goodbye and may God bless everyone!” With these words, he posed for a photo, despite the fact that he weighed only about 30 kilos, he was smiling and seemed calm. His emaciated body was found after 19 days (estimated according to the last entries in the diary).
Everyone looks at Chris's fate differently, it's up to you whether you consider him a symbol of freedom or a boy who paid for his irresponsibility with his life.
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Junka family
Pavla and Karel decided to leave their "normal" life, gave up modern conveniences and went to Šumava to live in harmony with nature.
Their longed-for child was born, they named it really unconventionally - the little girl was named Morning Glow. The daughter of nomads did not even have a birth certificate, so she theoretically did not exist in the eyes of the state. It started a bureaucratic carousel and the authorities took the child away from the family.

Morning Glow later returned to her family, but began to rebel against the alternative life and sought help from the same authorities that separated her from her own family years ago. The paradox of the whole story is that the Junka couple were considered rebels because they left the life that society perceived as correct. Their daughter was born into a different lifestyle, she didn't see her family as different because it was her "norm". As soon as she saw the world outside, everything changed.
Martijn Doolaard
Martijn is a Dutchman who describes modern nomadism in the truest sense of the word. For three years of his life, he made do with only what his bike could carry. First, he spent a year traveling from Amsterdam to Singapore, crossed 18 countries and traveled over 17,000 kilometers. He relied on a simple philosophy - the less things you take with you, the better you connect with your surroundings. He settled in the most remote areas and slept with kind-hearted people he met along the way. In addition to mental and physical exhaustion, he had to withstand the elements and extreme weather. A book was created from the first expedition.
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He returned to normal life, after about a year he began to miss adventure, physical exhaustion and needed to break the routine cycle again. He loved the flexibility and independence that a life on the road gave him, so he decided to spend two years on a bike – cycling from Vancouver to Patagonia. This time it was a little different, he packed his work life with him. A book was created from this expedition as well.
After a life on a bicycle, he settled in the Italian Alps, where he remodels a stone cabin with his own help. He still considers himself a nomad, even if he lives in one place and will not change anything for the next few years. You're probably wondering if he doesn't feel isolated in the middle of the Italian woods. Martijn claims that he is rather liberated and doesn't mind being alone, he works all day. His lifestyle can be called different, but it is definitely not boring. He will introduce you to modern nomadism through his Instagram and videos, they are definitely worth watching.
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What do you think about these people? The adventurous life of a nomad can be fascinating and interesting, but it is definitely not for everyone. However, it can inspire you to value your own freedom more and cling less to material things. Thanks to this, you might think about what your values are. Do you agree?
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