Personality Disorders: What Are Their Signs and Symptoms?
If you're posting innocent selfies on the gram, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're narcissistic.
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Personality disorders are nothing special these days, although in the past that certainly wasn't the case. Thanks to the Internet, we are more and more aware of their existence. Each person has their own way of thinking, their own way of experiencing different situations and their own way of feeling, which makes each one of us unique. In addition, we're all strongly influenced by our experiences, environment and inherited characteristics. When it comes to personality disorders, there are 10 precisely specified types of personality disorders, which are divided into three categories.
Behavior that can be used as an example to identify a specific disorder can be spotted in the following domains:
- the way of thinking about oneself and others
- the way we build relationships with others
- the way we react to certain situations (emotionally)
- the way we control our own behavior
As I've mentioned, 10 different types of personality disorders can be divided into three major categories.
Group A: Eccentric or odd behavior
Paranoid personality disorder (paranoid)
Has an ingrained pattern of distrust and suspicion, whereas considering the motives and actions of others malicious. People with paranoid personality disorder assume that other people will deceive them, so they trust almost no one at all, even their closest friends and family.
Schizoid personality disorder

A person with schizoid personality disorder does not usually seek close relationships, is voluntarily separated from society, and has a limited range of emotional expression. Some people can easily mistake such person for an introvert, but don't be fooled. Although these people tend to also choose solitary activities, unlike introverts, they are completely indifferent to praise or criticism of others.
Schizotypal personality disorder

Such people feel uncomfortable even with those whom he has a close relationship with. They suffer from a perception distortion and often demonstrate very eccentric behavior. A person with a schizotypal personality disorder often has a strange belief (e.g. flat Earth) and often miss the meaning of events or misinterpret them entirely.
Group B: Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior
Skupina B: Dramatické, emocionálne či nevyrovnané správanie
Antisocial personality disorder
The most characteristic feature is ignorance, humiliation or even violation of the rights of others. A person with this antisocial disorder despises social norms, acts impulsively, and is no stranger to repeated deception or manipulation of others.
Borderline personality disorder

A person with this disorder suffers from instability in relationships, reacts emotionally and impulsively (especially to criticism). This person strives for self-knowledge, but also has repeated suicidal or self-harming tendencies. Often experiencing intense anger and chronic feelings of emptiness aren't uncommon.
Histrionic personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated emotional responses and constant attention-seeking. A person with this disorder may be uncomfortable when he or she is not the center of attention. Using physical appearance to attract attention is also quite common. If physical appearance doesn't work, it's likely for the afore-mentioned exaggerated emotional reactions or dramatic behavior to occur.
Narcissistic personality disorder

This is probably one of the most famous and nowadays very widespread personality disorder, which can be identified by almost everyone. In short, it is a constant need for admiration, but at the same time, empathy is an unknown concept for people with this disorder. They can attribute immense importance and significance to themselves, feel entitled and take advantage of other people easily.
Group C: anxious or inhibited behavior
Avoidant personality disorder

This person is extremely sensitive to any criticism, feels pushed aside by society and has a constant feeling of inadequacy and futility. Unless they're sure someone else likes them, they're dismissive, consider themselves inferior, and worry about slightest chance of criticism all the time.
Dependent personality disorder
A person with this disorder needs to be cared for, has submissive behavior and is easily influenced. Difficulties in daily life, especially when it comes to making decisions. Often can't make own decisions without reassurance from other people. In addition, it's common to feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone, due to the inability to take care of him/herself.
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Perfectionism at its most extreme. Constant urge for perfect organization and control. All of this is embodied in a person with this disorder. In addition, this person may be interested in details, plans or schedules and often works in their free time as well.
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