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Tímea Krauszová
June 27, 2022, 10:29am
Reading time: 1:06

VIDEO: Kendrick Lamar Ended His Concert At Glastonbury With A Protest For Women's Rights. If They Judge You, They Judge God.

The rapper with a Pulitzer award dedicated the final moments of his performance to women's rights which were limited in the USA before the start of the weekend.

Tímea Krauszová
June 27, 2022, 10:29am
Reading time: 1:06
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VIDEO: Kendrick Lamar Ended His Concert At Glastonbury With A Protest For Women's Rights. If They Judge You, They Judge God.
Zdroj: Samir Hussein/ WireImage
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At the end of his performance at Glastonbury festival, rapper Kendrick Lamar protested for women's rights. One of the world's biggest music festivals rewarded him with a massive applause and screaming. 


Lamar was reacting to the decision of US Supreme court which cancelled the constitutional right to abortion. Individual US states will therefore decide on the legislation on their own, a few of them are already proposing a fill ban with no exceptions of health risk, rape or incest. 

They are judging God

At the end of his concert, Lamar stood on the stage with a thorn crown on his head. Blood was running down his face and he kept repeating two sentences: "God bless women's rights. Those who judge you judge Christ." At first, he was saying the sentences quietly, but then continued louder and louder. Finally, he stopped mid-sentence, threw away the microphone and left the stage. 


It was one of the most powerful performances at Glastonbury, says a BBC critic. Rapper who received a Pulitzer prize for his album Damn in 2017 also opened the topics of shame, greed, power, ambition and prejudice. 


On Friday, the US Supreme court overturned the decision of Roe vs. Wade from 1973. After 50 years, they canceled the precedent for a constitutional right to abortion - the law gave women the right to terminate pregnancy up to the 23rd week. The decision was accepted after a vote of sex to three. According to Reuters, the Supreme court was taken over by a conservative majority. 


The rules are decided on by individual states. It is expected that the right to abortion will be canceled by approximately half of the states. 


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Thumbnail: Samir Hussein/ WireImage
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