Best Albums Of The Week: Kendrick Lamar Dominated All The Charts, Several Debuts Are Worth Listening To
We bring you the selection of the best albums of the week
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Kendrick Lamar – Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers
The long-awaited rap album Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers is a thoughtful and comprehensive music series. It's not leisure music, Lamar set difficult topics into music, such as his relationship with his father on the track Father Time, to which he invited musician Samphu. However, the album also deals with the topic of racism and the complexity of partnerships.
In the track We Cry Together, which he created with Taylor Page, a very sharp quarrel between the partners is rapped from beginning to end. From the conversation between Page and Lamar, the listener can feel every emotion that accompanies the argument, and as a whole the lyrics seem so strong that it at times cause anxiety.
I was sixteen at the Palisades
Fumblin' my grades, I traveled with a team
The apache life, Centennial was like
When Ms. Becker screamed, "That dough, boy
Mixed there with purple rain"
They interchanged the seams
Happy just to be out the hood
With all the wealthy kids
Credit cards and family plans
She drove her daddy's Benz
I found out that he was a sheriff
That was a win-win" - Worldwide Steppers
Mr. Morale & The Big Stepper is divided into two discs, the first of which embodies strong negative and aggressive emotions. The second disc brings reconciliation and sensitivity. In it, Lamar detaches himself from his anger and admits his vulnerability.
One man standin' on two words, heal everybody
Transformation, then reciprocation, karma must return
Heal myself, secrets that I hide, buried in these words" - Mother I Sober
In addition to Samphy, other star guests appear on the album, such as Kodak Black, Beth Gibbons, Summer Walker and others.
Obongjayar – Some Nights I Dream of Doors
Our next pick is the latest act and at the same time the debut album of the Nigerian artist Steven Umo, who performs under the name Obongjayar and currently lives and works in London. The album Some Nights I Dream of Doors is very playful and energetic, it mixes afrobeat with American R&B and at the same time offers depth in the form of sharing the singer's personal anxieties. The songs are also very captivating in their dimension, which represents the wide range of voice that Obongjayar performs on the album. Its full range can be heard, for example, in the track Message in a Hammer.
Every stroke is war
They drowned the ones before us
But we'll make it to shore
Message in this hammer
Is coming down on you
Message in a gun
Aiming at your head
Message in this hammer
Is coming down on you
Message in a gun
Aiming at your head - Message in a Hammer
Wasia Project – How can I pretend?
The second debut of today's selection is the album of the sibling duo Wasia Project entitled How can I pretend ?. The album contains four songs about love and is exactly the new melancholy act you will enjoy, whether you want to remember last summer's love or just enjoy a romantic sentimental moment on the beach or on the train for the holidays. British-Chinese artists came up with the name of their group by combining the words "White" and "Asia" because they live in the UK but have Chinese roots.
I'll love you 'til the end of the world again
And I know, and I know, and I know it's you - How can I pretend?
The Smile – A Light for Attracting Attention
The English rock band, which consists of Radiohead members Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood with Sons of Kemet drummer Tom Skinner, has released a whole album. It consists of 13 songs and the electronic guitar is absolutely essential in most of them. Some songs were touched by experimental genres. This can be heard, for example, in the synthesis of sounds in the song The Opposite.
Young bones spit out, girls slitting their wrists
Curtain calling for the kiss from the nursery rhyme
Behind some rocks, underneath some bridge
Some gangster troll promising the Moon - You Will Never Work In Television Again
Florence and the Machine – Dance Fever
The last new album we chose this week comes from the English indie rock band Florence and the Machine, which released a pop rock album mixing progressive and baroque pop. According to music critics, this album, which began two years ago, is one of the most personal and touching lyrics by the singer Florence Welsch. Listeners can know the band, for example, thanks to previous successful albums Ceremonials or the debut Lungs.
Crying Into Cereal At Midnight
And If They Ever Let Me Out
I'm Gonna Really Let It Out
When I Decided To Wage Holy War
It Looked Very Much Like Staring At My Bedroom Floor
But, Oh! God, You're Gonna Get It - Girl Against God
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