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Radim Šlechta
May 13, 2022, 8:45am
Reading time: 1:03

Real Or Fake? Elon Musk Wants To Meet His Chinese Doppleganger

Viral Tik Tok account caught the eye of Elon Musk.

Radim Šlechta
May 13, 2022, 8:45am
Reading time: 1:03
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Real Or Fake? Elon Musk Wants To Meet His Chinese Doppleganger
Zdroj: indy100 / Youtube
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Billionaire Elon Musk has a doppleganger in China. He is nicknamed Elong Musk (@mayilong0) and shoots ordinary moments from his life and appears near Tesla cars. „The original“ Elon Musk spoke out on Twitter and said he would like to meet his double.


„Should we place Elon Musk in China as bait?“ joked one of the users on Twitter and tagged the billionaire in a picture next to his Chinese doppleganger. Musk immediately responded to this challenge. „I'd like to meet this guy (if he is real). Hard to tell with deepfakes these days,“ he wrote in the thread. 



Whether the man from China truly resembles Musk this much has also been discussed in comments under the Tik Toker's content. This was also the reason why Musk's double promised to do a livestream to prove that this is not the case of deepfake and that he is not using artificial intelligence to make himself look more like Musk. 




@mayilong0 Actually I don't know what I'm talking about, please forgive me. I'm embarrassed, I need an English teacher.#elonmusk #twins #tesla ♬ Canyons - Official Sound Studio


Deepfake videos are now easier to make than ever before. In Czech republic, the Symbio agency warned about this using a fake speech of Czech president Miloš Zeman.  Revealing whether Musk's doppleganger is real or whether he is just a fake videomaker is a task for experts or Musk himself, if he decides to meet "Elong" after all. 


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Thumbnail: indy100 / Youtube
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