5 Negative Effects Of Frequent Porn Watching
Yes, one of them is the problem with erection.
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You may remember it yourself: a misplaced magazine or weird elementary school videos that a classmate or older brother showed you. Pretending that pornography doesn't exist and morally exalting ourselves by saying that we don't watch it doesn't make much sense today.
According to scientific research, more than half of girls and almost one hundred percent of boys saw porn for the first time during adolescence. In addition, watching pornography literally shapes our "sexual script", the way we have sex.
We therefore looked at current research on the negative effects of pornography. All relevant studies were summarized by an American non-profit organization devoted primarily to exploitation, trade in white meat, child abuse, but also the bad effects of pornography. However, it seems that not everything is as clear cut as the organization has portrayed.
- What dangerous behaviors can watching pornography cause
- Is it true that men who watch porn then enjoy sex less?
- How pornography affects relationships with and attitudes towards women
- Can porn cause erection problems?
- Whether porn is good or bad, according to modern science
Watching porn can cause unsafe sexual behavior
Dangerous sexual behavior means promiscuity or insufficient protection against diseases and unwanted pregnancy, but also buying and selling sexual services, sending intimate photos and videos (even to strangers) or searching for deviant pornography (sex with animals, sex with children). These risks, according to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, threaten those who routinely turn to porn at home.
"I know about an American study on a large, representative sample, where similar behavior was associated with watching porn," Michaela Lebedíková, who studies sociology at the Masaryk University and specializes in pornography, told us. In addition, he studies the impact of the Internet on children and adolescents.
According to several studies, regular viewers of pornography begin to behave more dangerously in their sexual life. "We know that the more often people watch porn, the less protection (condom) they use, the more sexual partners they have, the more open they are to one-night stands, etc.," she further revealed.
However, she pointed, that these are only associations. The fact that someone behaves more dangerously in the area of sex may not be directly caused by watching porn - it is also a matter of culture, environmental influences and other factors.
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"People who watch more porn are often more politically liberal. And we know about more politically liberal people that they are more open to sexual experiences, they don't have such a problem with eroticism," explained Lebedíková. According to her, these are various characteristics that influence such dangerous behaviour.
Pornography is said to be a modern world health crisis
Porn has long been no longer just some taboo that is not talked about. Many study it at universities, more and more people admit to watching it regularly, and thanks to this, sociologists, sexologists and psychologists have a reason to devote more time to it and study its impact on our mental health and the quality of (not only sexual) life.
Several studies claim that porn is bad - years ago there was even a relatively large movement of scientists and anti-porn fighters who talk about the so-called social health crisis. They liken porn to other waves of epidemics and are in favor of it being completely banned because it breaks up families, destroys mental health, causes sexual dysfunction, abuses and exploits women.
It is said to be a great threat to humanity, similar to, for example, drugs, tobacco products or alcohol, for which the emphasis on prevention is very strong worldwide.
Pornography is mostly condemned by radical feminists, according to whom pornography is an expression of the male world. The strongest argument against porn as such is the fact that the entire pornographic mainstream is made for men. Some researchers even claim that actresses themselves become victims of sexual violence because porn is violence.
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The argument of pro-porn feminists is that pornography is also a free and feminist choice. Even being submissive in sex, in the case of two people who have agreed to sex in a specific form, is a free and feminist choice.
A variety of activities can bring pleasure to women, and there is no one right way to have sex. Whichever side of the coin you identify with, remember that nothing is simply black and white.
Pornography can lower the value of women in the eyes of men, and will also affect your relationship
In both girls and boys who watch porn frequently, the study showed a greater likelihood of seeing women only as sexual objects. Not only porn videos, but also men's magazines, reality shows or other television programs in which we see the objectification of women, then according to another study, they only deepen such attitudes of men towards women. This can make men think that this is normal - and it will also be reflected in their relationship and in bed.
Another study points out that the vast majority of popular porn videos are hardcore and depict violent and degrading behavior towards women. Scientists fear that such media will then influence the behavior of viewers in real life, this can be reflected in their behavior towards women, in their attitudes and opinions about women, and also in their expectations when it comes to sex.
A meta-analysis from 2015 also says, that watching porn is associated with higher aggression – both verbal and physical, in both men and women. So is it possible that if you watch porn more often, you are more likely to hit or abuse someone?
It should not be forgotten that it takes at least two people to have sex, both of them must agree to it, and both of them should enjoy it. That is why feminist porn, which is more realistic and focuses on both men and women and their experiences, is increasingly making its way onto the market. However, even feminist porn can be hardcore if the actors like that kind of sex.
As we have already said, scientists often try to talk about pornography from a theoretical and moral point of view - thus ignoring a large group of people who may simply like "different" sex. That's why we dare not say that porn will make you hit someone. However, it can affect your behaviour and you have to take that into account when choosing porn.
In addition, Lebedíková pointed out that in these studies it is often forgotten that women also watch porn and that many videos show men as the sexual object. After all, we often see a woman's whole body and face, but only a penis or a man's butt during sex. So even girls should be careful while watching adult movies.
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Watching pornography can make sex less enjoyable
"It's definitely possible," admits Lebedíková. "During my thesis, I worked with 80 women, who I asked about how pornography affects their sex life. I had two respondents who watched porn before having sex, and when it came to sex, they were disappointed."
Unrealistic expectations from the first sex (but also from other sexual experiences) that we had from pornography are usually: long foreplay, extreme male endurance and bombastic orgasm. The problem is that with porn we often forget that it's just a script: excellently written, directed and maybe even acted, not everything in pornography is real (including ejaculation or female orgasm). So when we don't experience these wonderful things, disappointment comes.
However, according to Lebedíková, the vast majority of women praised watching porn. “They learned what techniques were out there, they were able to get inspiration from it and explore what they liked.” Ultimately, their overall experience of sex improved because pornography helped them discover new possibilities. Of course, these two possibilities - disappointment or, conversely, inspiration in bed - also apply to men.
If you watch porn too often, you run the risk of erectile problems and dissatisfaction in your relationship
Up to a fifth of men look for online porn to maintain excitement during sex with their partner. Although, according to the study, pornography is associated with a higher desire for sex, the overall satisfaction decreases and the erection also worsens.
Since the number of viewers of porn has increased, so has the number of men who, at a young age, often in their twenties, have sexual dysfunction that makes it difficult or even impossible for them to have sex, further research shows.
Although it is not a direct correlation, scientists warn that watching porn too often can affect the overall quality of their sex life in men. According to another study, porn also affects women who may experience painful sex, have problems with lubrication and a decreased desire for sex. Both sexes can have difficulty reaching orgasm.
"Regarding the excessive consumption of porn, the topic is typically addressed from the perspective of psychologists in women who are in relationships with men who watch pornography in excessive quantities. These women then doubt their sexual competence, consider themselves unattractive, and in general it is something that is viewed negatively in relationships," said Lebedíková. Of course, no one has yet defined how much porn is too much.
In general, according to Lebedíková, it is logical to follow the fact that if watching porn interferes with your normal life, you have a problem. It is similar to addiction to other substances or activities.
Don't cancel your premium account on Pornhub right away, there is a plus side to watching porn
There are also studies to the contrary, highlighting the positive effects of watching porn. As with almost everything in the world, even in this field we cannot simply declare that it is good or bad, because the conditions of scientific studies change everything and you as a consumer are not always represented in some way.
Although the document of the organization End Sexual Exploitation summarizes studies of negative effects, on the other hand, it completely ignores the many positive effects that porn has. "Existing research speaks of a positive effect on the perception of one's own body, self-knowledge in terms of one's own sexuality, and an increase in pleasure by identifying what I can like," said Lebedíková.
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People can learn from porn how to satisfy themselves or others, they can also get inspiration for sex with their partner. "Pornography is definitely not black and white and it depends a lot on what kind of pornography the person consumes. There are other influences from the mainstream, other hardcore pornography and other feminist porn."
So is porn good or bad?
The question cannot be answered clearly. Some studies prove that porn is harmful, other studies, on the contrary, emphasize its benefits in the field of sexuality. In addition, for many, it helps to break taboos - women who are afraid to get to know their body, are ashamed to masturbate, do not know what they might like or people who have a different than mainstream sexual orientation can learn a lot from porn.
“Furthermore, different populations show different characteristics – for example, pornography viewing is much more typical for gay men than for the general population; women consume porn in different ways and with slightly different motives than men; the younger, university-educated population looks at porn more often than the rest, and I could keep going with this," concluded the future doctoral student, who focused mainly on women in her research.
Every study on pornography that makes the headlines or is presented as something that completely destroys the previous idea of porn has some context. This should be kept in mind when reading the results.
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Pornography is already a part of the sex life of many young people, just like masturbation. It is available, and it is not our job to answer the question whether it is so right. However, we should neither ignore it nor consume it mindlessly.
You should know what you are risking if you watch porn in your free time. It's a good idea to talk about what you're watching with your partner – after all, if you want to improve your sex life at home, it would be ideal to include your significant other in the process, right?
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