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Adam Novosad
April 26, 2022, 10:12am
Reading time: 0:48

USA Is Scared Of Imposing Sanctions On Putin's Alleged Lover. They Are Concerned About Possible Escalation Of The War.

The Americans continue to consider imposing new sanctions on Kremlin representatives and Putin's associates.

Adam Novosad
April 26, 2022, 10:12am
Reading time: 0:48
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White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, has denied statements according to which the USA purposely puts off the imposition of sanctions on Alina Kabaeva - the alleged girlfriend of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"We continue to consider the sanctions," answered Psaki on Monday, when asked why the Russian ex-gymnast turned politician has not yet become a target. "Of course we have already sanctioned President Putin as well as his daughter and closest friends, and we will continue considering others," added the White house spokeswoman. 


Source: kremlin

According to CNN, prompts to sanction the 38-year-old olympic winner in modern gymnastics, who is the mother of three of Putin's children born between 2015 and 2019 according to unconfirmed media news, have become more frequent. 

The Russian president is known to guard his personal life and he has never publicly admitted to the relationship with the "secret first lady" of Russia, as called by Russian and foreign media (CNN). 


As stated in Wall Street Journal, American representatives have not imposed sanctions on Kabaeva due to concerns that Putin would consider it a personal attack. It could be considered "such a personal blow to Putin that it could further escalate tensions between Russia and the USA," stated the journal. 


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