Prostitute Monique Was Raped and Almost Killed. She Still Sells Her Body To Get Heroin Money (Interview)
33 year old Monique has been a prostitute her whole life. She's financing her heroin habit, which she's addicted to since the age of 12.
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At first glance, you wouldn't think Monique works as a prostitute. We've met this petite woman on the side of the road in an area popular especially for the frequent occurrence of prostitutes. They are there to entertain the passing drivers.
Seeing her for the first time, we thought she was just a young school girl waiting for someone. After some observation, it was clear that this was actually her occupation. Monique ended up getting into a deep conversation with us. We were curious about the life of a prostitute and the reasons why a young person would voluntarily do such a job. The answer wasn't surprising - she's doing it to finance her addiction.
We'd like to point out the human side of drug addiction in this interview. The craving is so powerful, that it forces people to go far beyond common human tolerance. Her decision to become a prostitute is powered by a tragic life story, which you can read about in this interview.
- How Monique got started with drugs and why she decided to become a prostitute
- What kind of customers she gets and how she sets the prices
- What do parents think about her job
- Extreme situations she experienced
- Whether her life was ever on the line
- If she'd be open to change professions in the future and do something about her addiction
How did you get started with prostitution and how long have you been doing it?
Basically, I've been doing it my whole life, I don't know nothing else. I was street walking since 18 and now I'm 33. That time I've found myself on the street because I was already hooked on drugs. A friend of mine brought me into it, because she told me it's an easy way to make money.
So you were driven to prostitution through addiction. When did you try drugs for the first time?
I've first tried drugs when I was 12 and I'm doing it ever since. I was outside with friends, they were trying it, so I wanted to do it too. Heroin and methamphetamine right from the start, both really hard to get out of. My parents noticed immediately, they could see the change in my behavior.
The school then called the social workers and they decided to separate me from my parents. I skipped school the entire 6th grade. Parents couldn't do anything about it, because they would get locked up. So I ended up in an orphanage and lived there for 4 years.

How long did they separate you from your parents? Didn't they try to help you in some way?
They did, but what could they really do? I didn't wanna stop. And I never did. Of course parents didn't like it, but I've always found a way to meet with friends. They weren't bad people, they were also just children. We wanted to have fun and this was our way of doing it. I fell for it immediately and I've had no reason to stop. It was way more fun than being sober.
Father said I should rather hang myself thank continue doing this.
What happened to you in the orphanage, how did you feed the addiction there?
It wasn't hard at all, I'd find it when I needed to. I'm telling you, I haven't stopped since I was 12.
Nobody noticed?
No. Parents noticed, because they knew me before. I was already addicted when I came to the orphanage, so they all thought that was my regular condition. I wasn't high all the time, I was normal, just like right now. That's just the way I am all the time.
What happened when you left the orphanage?
I left when I was 18. Started doing drugs big time, kept on going. I wasn't limited, I've had access to anything. Heroin, meth, anything. Only the money was lacking...
So you've decided to become a prostitute?
Yes. I've never done anything else, it's not that bad. I've been doing it my whole life, I am really used to it. Plus, I've experienced everything here, so there's nothing that could surprise me.
What have you experienced?
Everything. I don't know. All kinds of perverts come around here, I've even had a gun to my head, I was raped, they've driven me to a forest and left me there. All kinds of stuff, really.
Why do you keep doing it then?
It's fast money. I'm doing it, because I'm still on drugs. Even though I tried to switch to methadone, it only lasted a while and I kept doing meth at the same time. It's impossible for me to stop.
What about parents, what's your relationship with them? Do they know about this?
Now it's good, but they don't like what I do. I didn't speak to my dad for 5 years after he found out. He tells me I'm stupid and he's ashamed of me. He's right, but I can't do anything about it.

When you started walking the streets, didn't you feel repelled by this work?
Of course. I still feel disgusted, even now. I pick who I go with. I wouldn't go with just anyone. I'd never go without a condom and even if they try to convince me, telling me they're healthy, it's a hard no. I always ask them if they think I'm healthy and that seems to work. But it has happened to me that I've puked on a few people, because of their smell. Then it's quick, get it over with and done.
How do you consider who to get in the car with or not?
I'll tell him I want to go to my spot and if he doesn't cooperate, I just don't go with him. I only want to be close to this parking lot. If he wants to go farther, I'm not coming with him. I have jumped out of a running car before if they didn't stop where I've told them to.
What about the people who come here? Is it still the same ones or do you get new customers sometimes?
I've got regulars too. But really, all kinds of people come here, it's kinda hard to believe. Even some really popular people came here in the past, some hockey players. Perhaps they're looking for some excitement, I don't know. Maybe their wife at home doesn't satisfy them, or they just want to try what it's like with a prostitute. I can guarantee privacy, because no one would ever believe me anyway.
Some people just want to talk and don't want anything. They just want to talk their troubles away. I have good customers also, they don't care about the sex. They help me, give me the money and yeah... I don't know, there's a lot. Some people really care about how I feel. Some just want to fulfill their fantasies.
Fulfill fantasies? Like what?
For example, I've had a few customers that wanted me to whip them with nettle leaves. First I thought it was weird, but then more people kept requesting that. I still don't get it, but whatever. Really, there's all kinds of people. I guess they rely on the fact that we'll fulfill all of their wishes. I couldn't care less, I just want to finish my shift and get my money. Nothing else is important to me.
Once I went with this young guy that has put me to sleep with chloroform. I woke up in a ditch with no idea what he's done to me.
What's your pricing like?
The prices are all over the place. I tell them to suggest a price and if I don't like it, I increase it. So it's up to them, but I do have some boundaries.
How many customers do you have daily?
That depends. Sometimes three customers in a day are enough, depending on how much they pay. Sometimes more, because it's warm outside and there's more of us here. Also I have other girls to talk to while waiting. In the winter it's worse, but not because of the lack of customers. I just don't feel like standing here for so long all by myself. But they pull over in the winter as well, I can't complain.

Do you carry some sort of protection in case someone gets aggressive?
I don't have any protection. This location is not as bad as some others. Girls say they get beat up in other places. I guess they get different kind of customers there, for us, it's mainly truck drivers here, so it's better. They are kinder, because they came a long way and all they want is to take a load off and leave. They don't get weird with the money or anything else either.
Okay, but you yourself have said that you were attacked before, so it can't be that safe. What happened then?
I got in a man's car once, he locked the doors and drove me to a forest. He just took me there, kicked me out of the car and left me there. He didn't even touch me and he hasn't paid either. I had to make my way out of there alone, but nothing has happened.
Addicts dressed as girls come here as well. They work too. Probably out of desperation.
You said you have been raped before.
Well yeah and he was aggressive. Beat me, didn't pay and left me out there. Once I went with this young guy that has put me to sleep with chloroform. I woke up in a ditch with no idea what he's done to me.
Another guy has tried to strangle me, out of nowhere. I was kicking him, he almost killed me. This happened inside of a truck, but I've managed to get out of the window and run. He didn't even run after me. That was my biggest luck.
Do you have a place to live now?
Yes, I live in a cabin across one famous brothel. I live there with three other prostitutes. It's warm, that's the most important thing.
Are you in a relationship?
I've only had two relationships in my life and this one has been going on for 10 years already. The previous boyfriend died of pneumonia. That was really hard to get over. My current boyfriend is also a junkie. We actually met on the road, he was pimping this other girl out, but then he started liking me.
We've been together for 10 years and been through a lot, so I think we might just stay together. He doesn't pimp me, I don't want him to go with me. I can do it myself, so I don't need a pimp. I'm not worried about me.
A few years ago a prostitute was killed here, did you hear about that?
Yes, I have friends that have had a lot worse things happen to them than me. One of them, Suzie, got stabbed to death. They've killed Lucy before, I knew her too. She was very young, only worked for a month when it happened, I remember that.

Are other prostitutes addicted as well?
All the girls are, I don't know any exceptions. That's probably the only reason that keeps them doing it. Also to tolerate it all. Who would do this with a sober mind? I also do it just because I'm addicted. Addicts dressed as girls come here as well. They work too. Probably out of desperation. But they do get customers. People are strange.
Do you have a community where you meet? People with the same destiny as yours or are you just on your own?
I'm still hanging out with those I've met when I was 12. They're still doing drugs. At the time, everyone said they were bad influence, but they're the only friends I ever had and still have. I still see them until this day.
Aren't you afraid of overdosing one day?
Not at all. I've been doing it long enough to know how to go about it. The stuff is also not as strong as it used to be a few years ago. One friend of mine OD'd, but he was probably exhausted and one dose just ended him. Now, even the heroin isn't as strong as it used to be.
How do you picture your future?
I want to quit the drugs.

How are you planning on doing it?
I don't know, still gotta figure it out. I haven't stopped once in 15 years, so it's probably gonna be hard. Oh well.
I have to say I'm surprised you haven't pitied yourself once in this interview, and you're not blaming everyone else around either.
I pity others more. I got into this myself and I am very aware of that. I've chosen this path, even though I didn't have to. Now I have to live with it, so it's pointless to complain.
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