InfoWars Conspirator Will Pay More Than $4 Million. He Claimed That The Massacre At Sandy Hook Elementary School Did Not Happen
In mid-December 2012, the USA was rocked by another school shooting. However, Alex Jones stated that it never happened.
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Well-known American conspirator Alex Jones lied on his website InfoWars that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012 never happened. He claims it was "staged" by gun control activists.
A jury in the American city of Austin ordered him to pay $4.1 million in financial compensation to the parents of one of the children killed.
Plaintiffs Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, parents of 6-year-old Jesse, demanded $150 million from the conspirator. Jones spread the lie about the Sandy Hook shooting for years, but eventually admitted that the school shooting was "100 percent real."
The massacre of 2012, behind which was the only 20-year-old Adam Lanza, is among the worst school attacks in US history. On December 14, 2012, a shooter shot 20 first-graders and 6 teachers at an elementary school. Before leaving for school, he also killed his mother and, finally, committed suicide. The tragic incident claimed 28 lives, including Lanza.
The death toll was even worse than the Blacksburg massacre in 2007, when 23-year-old Cho Sung-hui killed 32 people and injured 23 others at Virginia Tech. In the end, like Adam Lanza, he committed suicide.
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