First Two Gay Marriages In Switzerland
In addition to marriage, Switzerland has allowed gay couples the adoption of children or artificial insemination for lesbian couples.
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This Friday, Switzerland's first two gay couples got married. In last year's referendum, 64.1 percent of Swiss voted for the introduction of the right to marry for homosexual couples.
In addition to the fact that, based on the results of the referendum, Switzerland agreed to the marriage of two people of the same sex, it also allowed the adoption of children, artificial insemination for lesbian couples and the possibility to apply for Swiss citizenship.
Considered a relatively conservative country, Switzerland decriminalized homosexuality in 1942. In 2007, it legalized registered same-sex partnerships, but this union did not allow gay couples to obtain citizenship or adopt children.
This country was one of the last states in Western Europe that did not allow marriage for people from the LGBTI community. Marriage between two men or two women is still prohibited in Greece, Italy, Andorra, Monaco and San Marino.
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