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Adam Novosad
June 21, 2022, 1:10pm
Reading time: 0:58

VIDEO: An Australian Innkeeper Beat Up A Crocodile That Attacked Him. "He Needed To Be Taught A Lesson," He Said

The innkeeper needed to rush the animal off the sidewalk that business visitors usually use.

Adam Novosad
June 21, 2022, 1:10pm
Reading time: 0:58
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The Australian innkeeper amused millions of people on the Internet by trying to drive away an aggressive 2.5-meter crocodile in the north of the country.

The innkeeper Kai Hansen from the sought-after Goat Island Lodge took the pan from the kitchen, stepped out in front of the establishment and started chasing the crocodiles to startle the animal and stop moving in the dangerous vicinity of the tavern.




"I wouldn't say it happens every day, but I need to stay safe, so I'm doing what I know," Hansen said about the crocodile incident. The pan attack proved to be successful, as two well-aimed blows to the head were enough to make the animal feel that he was not to play with the innkeeper. The crocodile therefore turned around and fled back into the river.

"No one was injured and the crocodile was taught a lesson," the innkeeper himself laughed at his fight with the animal. He had to chase the crocodile at all costs, because at times he blocked the sidewalk, which tourists walk under under normal circumstances.

"Instinct works," Hansen explained, why he wasn't afraid of crocodiles, even though he only had a pan in his hands and could easily be injured. The innkeeper stated that this was not his first close encounter with a crocodile, because in 2018 he was attacked by a three-meter crocodile that ate his dog.

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