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Adam Novosad
April 16, 2022, 11:35am
Reading time: 2:09

VIDEO: Climate Activist Was Ridiculed Just Like Leonardo DiCaprio In Don't Look Up. Be Quiet, Weather Is On, Told Her Moderator

After the interview, the activist tried to explain to the moderator how serious is the climate situation we are in today. He told her to be quiet and watch the weather news.

Adam Novosad
April 16, 2022, 11:35am
Reading time: 2:09
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A British TV show featured an interview with a climate activist, who to millions of people looks, as if it was cut out from the satirical film Don't Look Up with Leonard DiCaprio, writes Variety.


Activist Miranda Whelehan came to Good Morning Britain to discuss the protests that her Just Stop Oil initiative had launched across the UK to alert the public to the latest scientific findings, which are suggesting that global warming of more than 3 degrees will have catastrophic consequences for our planet, but mostly, to alert people and to fight against permits for fossil fuel extraction.



However, Whelehan did not find understanding with moderator Richard Madeley. The moderator accused her, that the slogan Just Stop Oil was "childish", because when it come to the case of stopping the new licenses for oil production in the North Sea, it is a much more complicated discussion.


The activist received criticism for the fact, that the protests of her initiative negatively affect the daily lives of ordinary people in Great Britain. In the studio, she was asked to target their demonstrations on politicians and leave the ordinary people out of it.


"I don't think any of us want to negatively affect the lives of ordinary people," Whelehan said, saying that the messages our planet is sending us, along with the latest scientific knowledge, are forcing protesters to demonstrate in a way, that reaches as many people as possible, not just the politicians.



An excerpt from the interview has already been seen on Twitter by more than 5 million people, the vast majority of whom immediately began to point out that the activist's debate with the moderator is very reminiscent of the scene from Don't Look Up with Leonard DiCaprio. In the film, Leonardo DiCaprio portrays a scientist, who seeks interviews to convince people about the severity of the situation of asteroid falling towards the Earth, but faces only ridicule and disbelief.


Mehdi Hasan's show created a compilation that combines scenes from the film with excerpts from an interview from Good Morning Britain. "The result is amazing. Life imitates art," said the moderator himself on Twitter.


Activist Miranda Whelehan admitted that she didn't even see Don't Look Up before appearing on the TV show, but expressed in her essay for The Guardian that she had watched the film afterwards. "When the conversation ended, I tried to talk to Ranvir Singh and Madeley about the serious situation we were in; Madeley just told me to be quiet and watch the weather" she said.

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