The Mountain From Game of Thrones Praised Slovak Designer Andrea. He Loved the Crib Supplies She Made For His Son (Interview)
Thor Björnsson and his wife Kelsey are very satisfied with the products from a small Slovak company KAdesign
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Small Slovak company KAdesign managed to attract the attention of famous personalities, such as the warrior Attila Végh or even Thor Björnsson and his wife Kelsey Henson, with handmade items for small children.
Company's founder Andrea Pomšárová, and her proactive approach, have reached out to famous stars who have loved and praised her products to millions of their followers. In an interview with the head of the KAdesign company, we talked not only about keeping in touch with celebrities, but also about their requirements and challenges of her work.

How did the small Slovak company manage to reach out to Thor Björnsson and his wife Kelsey? After all, they had to have a number of other companies with children's products, which would be happy to offer them their services, in their area.
I follow Thor and Kelsey on Instagram, and since they were expecting a baby, it occurred to me to contact them. So humbly, I wrote a report to Kelsey, in which I presented our products with photos, saying, that if they were interested, we would very much like to make supplies for their baby.
Two or three days later, I received a message from Kelsey, saying, that we had wonderful things and she would be happy for us to make the supplies for their child. At that time, I was so happy I run to my husband and parents, who didn't even want to believe me. Kelsey has almost half a million followers on Instagram and Thor almost 4 million people, so it was unbelievable that they responded to me at all.
I wanted to do something for his son that would also speak to Hafþór. At first I considered making him a barbell. But then it occurred to me that it would be appropriate to inspire the products by his portrayal of The mountain in the series Game of Thrones.

Why do you think you got to them? Considering the number of their followers, it is probably not common for them to reply to strangers.
Maybe it was the way I approached them. It really was very humble. Not an officially written offer without emotions. I tried to communicate modestly, I didn't want to be forceful. Perhaps Kelsey was impressed by the pictures of our products that I sent her in the first message.
Did they have any special requests for you?
The only thing Kelsey explicitly asked for was for the things to be in mustard colour, which she likes. She took advice from me on everything else. She wrote, that since this was her first child, she did not know at all, what her child might need. So she was grateful for any advice.
In the photo, I noticed that their baby had mountain-shaped pillows. So it wasn't Thor's request, but your idea?
Yes, the idea was mine. I wanted to do something for his son that would also speak to Hafþór. At first I considered making him a barbell. But then it occurred to me that it would be appropriate to inspire the products by his portrayal of The mountain in the series Game of Thrones. At the same time, it was symbolic because Thor and Kelsey live in Iceland.
Who did you communicate with while completing the order?
Only with Kelsey. But Thor shared everything on his Instagram.
What were your impressions of them?
Normal people. Talking to Kelsey, I felt she was an ordinary girl living in Iceland. She was very grateful and very kind.

How much did all the crib supplies cost?
We are talking hundreds of euros. Of course, part of it was the price of shipping to Iceland. That were some issues with it, actually.
What issues?The first package I sent got lost. I apologised to Kelsey a lot. I sent her the package number and Kelsey went to the post office to verify it. So we agreed to do another set of things for her, but that I'd rather send it to her via a private company. Eventually, they received both the first and second package. They were very happy and shared our work on their Instagram.
Are you still in touch with them? Maybe when they have another baby, they'll reach out to you again.
It is possible. We are in keeping in touch a little bit. I always write Kelsey for birthdays or when Stormur (son of Thor and Kelsey) was baptised. She is always grateful, she thanks me and she sill follows me. When she likes some of our products, she likes them on Instagram.
An order from a famous couple must have been a success for your company. Did other celebrities also order from you?
Before Kelsey, we approached Attila Végh. At that time, I did not only make crib supplies for their child, but also overalls. As an imitation of the belt from the Bellator tournament, I made Attila's son a belt with the words "my son-ator". While I was making the products, they shot the movie Attila, which I saw in the cinema. That's when I found out that they used my clothes in the movie, so I was very pleased. In addition, we have a cooperation with Attila - I developed a children's collection for them under his Champ brand.

Do celebrities already recommend your products to one other or is it still mostly you reaching out them?
Thor and Kelsey, and Attila, were approached, but my friend recommended me to the Twiins, so we contacted Daniela first and then Veronika.
How many people work at your firm?
I actively cooperate with my mother, who has less than 2 years left before her retirement, my husband also helps me. But I do a lot of work, so most sewing also manages Facebook and Instagram.
Are you managing to process all the orders, with only three-person team?
It can be done, but it is true that I am constantly on the phone and on e-mail. I try to change this. Nevertheless, I have a small son who will be 5 years old in October, so I need to take care of him as well. Basically, I started the company while I was expecting a baby.
Since finishing maternity leave, you have devoted yourself exclusively to the company and do not work in another job, correct?
Yes. When I was about to give birth, I was considering what to buy for my son's crib. That's when it occurred to me, it was useless to buy it, since I know how to sew. So first I sewed something for my son and I put it on my Facebook. That's when my friend called me to see if I could sew something for her. That's when I started sewing more and sold my products at different bazaars. And once I started this , I couldn't imagine going back to an office job.
How many hours a day do you dedicate to work? You make it sound, like you work nonstop.
As soon as I wake up, I start handling orders, and that is going on until I go to bed at midnight, and in the meantime of it all, I sew. But I am actively working, especially sewing, from eight to four. During that time, I am really sitting at the table, sewing, packing the orders and send them to the post office. After that, I take care of the family, while also handling some more orders and posting to social networks.
How did you work during the pandemics? I assume you had more time to sew?
The first wave was great from a business point of view. People stayed at home and started ordering more things through e-shops. At that time it was in full swing and my husband was actively helping me. Throughout the second wave, however, people started saving more and apparently did not want to spend for these kinds of things. It started to slow down and my husband had to get a job, because by starting building our house, while still paying our the mortgage.
I worked alone about three-quarters of the year, which was really difficult. Being by yourself all day and relying only on yourself for everything, was not fun. At that time, after three years, I finally convinced my mother to help. Now I am just really glad we've made it through the pandemic as a small business.
What are your future plans for the company?
Right now we are building a house with a workshop in front of the house. I believe that we will be able to move there this year. I want our company move beyond just an e-shop. This will allow people to come in and see the products in person, choose fabrics on the spot and buy things. And we'll see. It also depends on the situation. The pandemic was as difficult for us, as it was for any other company.

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